Monthly Archives: January 2021

What Does the TPMS Warning Light Indicate?

What Does the TPMS Warning Light Indicate?

Normally, starting the car in the morning is a worry-free task. The vehicle's dash lights up with dashing gauges and warning symbols, but after a few minutes, it all simmers down. Sometimes, a few of those lights stay on, indicating something is amiss. A warning light is definitely a telltale sign that a specific part of your car needs attention. One of these warning lights is the TPMS. What is the TPMS? The acronym stands for tire pressure monitoring system. When this warning light is on, it informs you that one or more of your tires has either very little or too much air pressure. It is a system that monitors your vehicle's tire pressure. What are the effects of low or high tire pressure? It is easy to simply ignore a somewhat small issue, isn't it? Well, you shouldn't. There is a host of adverse effects brought about by low or high tire pressure, such as: Increased tire wear Low fuel economy and poor traction Reduced payload and towing capability Increased r ... read more