Monthly Archives: December 2020

Signs It’s Time to Change the Cabin Filter

Signs It’s Time to Change the Cabin Filter

The holidays are now here, and it's important to save money where you can – especially when it comes to your vehicle. Most drivers try to cut cost by deciding against replacing their vehicle's air filter. Neglecting the air filter can have an impact on performance. It's a less than desirable move when there are other ways to save money on vehicle and maintenance that don't involve impacting performance. Depending on driving habits and the environment, the air filter should be replaced every 15,000 miles or once a year. If you're in doubt, check your vehicle's owner's manual. Below are a few ways to determine whether your car's air filter needs to be replaced.  The cabin filter prevents you from breathing in dust, debris, dirt, and pollen by filtering out before entering the HVAC system. It helps provide healthy, clean air for you and your engine. Over time the filter will become caked with pollutants and need to be replaced if the cabin air f ... read more