Monthly Archives: August 2020

Why Regular Oil Changes Are Important

Why Regular Oil Changes Are Important

Oil is a crucial aspect of your vehicle because it decreases friction inside the engine. High quality, clean oil expands your vehicle’s lifespan by reducing corrosion. It also prevents critical engine components from rubbing together.   Your engine oil becomes dirty and contaminated over time. With regular wear and tear, the oil becomes less effective. If it’s not fixed, with time, significant engine damage and other mechanical failings will occur. While changing your engine oil is one of the most straightforward maintenance tasks, some drivers may still procrastinate or forget to do them. Below are five significant signs you need an oil change: Your motor oil is dark and dirty. If you pop the hood and remove your dipstick, the engine oil should be a bright amber color. If your oil is black, it’s time to get an oil change. You notice a strong smell of burnt oil. A burnt oil smell inside your car cabin is a major indicati ... read more